Episode 27: Urglaawe

Recorded in the Yule period, a few days before New Year’s Eve 2024. The Wyrd Thing Podcast Epidode 27: Urglaawe 00:00:10 Jens: Hello! Welcome to the Wyrd Thing podcast, episode 27. I’m your host Jens. My co-host today is Frigga. 00:00:17 Frigga: Hello. 00:00:18 Jens: And our special guest today is Robert Lusch Schreiwer. Hi,… Continue Reading Episode 27: Urglaawe

Episode 26: Inclusive Yule

00:00:09 Jens: Welcome to the Wyrd Thing podcast, episode 26. This is our special Yule episode for 24. I’m your host Jens and with me are Rich, Hi Rich. 00:00:20 Rich: Hi there. 00:00:21 Jens: Frigga. 00:00:23 Frigga: Hello lovely listeners. 00:00:25 Jens: And new to the team. Our latest addition. Sif. Hi, Sif. 00:00:29… Continue Reading Episode 26: Inclusive Yule